tfPay Booking List Report

The tfPay Booking List Report is where you can review all the details of the bookings made through tfPay.

In this report you can see all the details of the bookings made under the tfPay Solution with price details and Reconciliation Status. You can search for a booking or a list of bookings by using the TF Reference, Supplier Reference, or by date.

Creation time: When the booking was made.

Supplier: Airline/supplier name.

TF Reference: The unique Travelfusion reference ID for each booking.

Supplier Reference: Airline/supplier PNR.

Branch: Your branch name where the booking was made.

Supplier settlement: How the payment was made to the airline. (VCC=VirtualCreditCard // AWA= Account/deposit with airline) 

Price Quoted: Final amount quoted for the booking.

Booked: Supplier ticket price.

Handling Fee: tfPay handling fee.

Exchange Fee: tfPay currency conversion fee for non-supported currencies.

Billed: Final amount deducted from your deposit account.

Refunded: Amount refunded if it is the case.

Customer Rebate: Rebates generated from VCC payments.

*Please note that this list can be downloaded in CSV format.

tfPay Balance Report

The tfPay Balance Report shows the current balance of your deposit with Travelfusion and the date/time the account was last updated.

tfPay Billing Report

Summary Tab: Shows the snapshot of all the transactions made in your tfPay account in the period selected.

Deposits Tab: This tab shows deposits made to Travelfusion.

Balance Log Tab: This report shows all the movements made in your tfPay account including the charges per booking, bank transfers, post-booking changes, etc..

*Please note that this list can be downloaded in CSV format.

Booking List Tab: This report shows the same details shown in the tfPay Booking List report excluding bookings that have been refunded as they will be shown in the Refunds tab.

*Please note that this list can be downloaded in CSV format.

Refunds Tab: This shows all the details of the the bookings that were refunded in your tfPay account.

*Please note that this list can be downloaded in CSV format.

Bookings Breakdown Tab: This report shows the breakdown of the bookings per supplier and the payment type used.

*Please note that this list can be downloaded in CSV format.

Revenue Tab: This report shows the revenue earned through rebates.

*Please note that this list can be downloaded in CSV format.